This wavelengths is used to stimulate plant growth in vegetable factories using LED light sources.
The 660nm band supports photosynthesis and the 450nm band supports the growth of stems and leaves.
This wavelengths is used as a reference for measuring the turbidity of water and other liquids.
When combined with the 940nm wavelength, they are also used for measuring oxygen saturation (blood oxygen levels).

Transmitting DWL (nm)640 — 680
Transmittance ≧ %90
Center Wavelength (nm ±10)660
Half Bandwidth (nm ±10)65
Filter Size M (mm)22.5, 24, 25.5, 27, 30.5, 34, 35.5, 37, 40.5, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 62
Glass Thickness (mm)2.8
Filter Colorcc0000